to my beloved community,
i had the privilege of attending the city of portland's creative capacity meeting on tuesday evening. (for more official information on creative capacity, see below) it was an evening of a segment of the artistic community coming together to begin a series of dialogs about how to help portland's artistic community thrive. in a room of 300+ people representing a range of portland's creatives the task seems incredibly daunting. i am not sure many can wrap their brains around the breadth and scope of the creatives who live, and make their living in this town.
i could go on a lengthy diatribe about several issues near and dear to me (education, buy local, micro-loan and programs, what constitutes community, the fragmentation and cliquyness of said "communities," the lack of accessibility of performance spaces, ridiculous fire permit and olcc regulations and the red tape one has to deal with to put on events, the implications of making one's living as an artist/musician/creative, the cost and inaccessibility of health insurance for the self-employed, the practicality of design and its importance in everyday life v. the "frivolousness" of the arts, and sustainability to name a few), but i would like to invite you to get involved. there is a disease of apathy and complacency that runs rampant in our society. we experience a certain ambivalence when it comes to activism. we are wrapped up in our daily lives. i know very well the challenge of paying bills, but i also know that it is far more difficult without the support of the community. the all or nothing attitude needs to end. many hands make light work. and for now they are only asking your opinion. i know everyone has an opinion on the subject, and now is the time to share it. you can choose the level of involvement that you can give, and i am tired of people complaining about the world, and doing nothing about it.
so please take a moment to check out the site, and give your opinion. if we show up in numbers, and speak loud enough we can make a difference.
thank you,
kirsten a. moore
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Sam Adams"
Date: June 13, 2007 1:46:45 PM PDT
Subject: Creative Capacity!
Not enough money.
Making our creative community even better will take more than just finding more money for the effort. But, it is a lot about finding more money from the public and private sector.
Thank you for attending last night’s Creative Capacity Townhall. Over 350 people attended the event—representing many of the established and emerging businesses and arts organizations in the region.
Our discussion was an important starting point for forging the creative community into an effective advocacy group.
Thank you for your collective enthusiastic response to this call to action. Until we get further refined, keep your ideas coming on the blog at
We will invite you to the next Creative Capacity Townhall in the fall after we have completed public opinion research and a series of smaller group discussions about specific topics.
In the meantime, get your colleagues, friends and patrons to sign up at
A tremendous thanks to the Regional Arts and Culture Council, Northwest Business for Culture in the Arts, and the Portland Development Commission.
Special thanks as well to our hosts last night: The Gerding Theatre at the Armory and Vibrant Table.
To action! To advocacy! To art!